[MTK] How to set band priority for GSM

射频 MediaTek 2020-12-19 阅读:5873


 Set band priority for network scan ( i.e. full scan) in GSM Bands.


source code: moly/mcu/custom/service/nvram/rr_nvram_def.c

static kal_uint8 const NVRAM_EF_BAND_INFO_DEFAULT[] = {
101 0x00, / mcc1 /
102 0x00, / mcc2 /
103 0x00, / mcc3 /
104 0x00, / recorded_mcc_count for gas_learned_mcc_workingband_table/ learned band /
105 0x00, / working_band /
106 0x00 /* when BAND_PRIORITY_SEARCH is defined, this
107 * byte is used to set the priority for each band:
108 *
109 * 850 1900 1800 900
110 * +-------------------------------+
111 * bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
112 * +-------------------------------+
113 * The priority of each band is representive by two bits:
114 *
115 * <ex> bit 5 and 4 is the priority for 1900 band:
116 * '0' '0' -> priority value 0
117 * '0' '1' -> priority value 1
118 * '1' '0' -> priority value 2
119 * '1' '1' -> priority value 3
120 *
121 * The smaller the value is, the higher the priroity is:
122 * (1) if no band is preferred, the value can be assigned:
123 * 0x00, 0x55, 0xaa, or 0xff
124 * (2) if 900/1800 is prefered, the value can be assigned:
125 * 0x50, 0xF0, 0xF5 and so on.
126 * (3) if 850/1900 is prefered, the value can be assigned:
127 * 0x05, 0x0F, 0x5F and so on.
128 * (4) if the band prefered order is 1900 -> 8500 -> 900 -> 1800,
129 * the value 0x4e (0100 1110) should be used.
130 */
131 };

data[5] in NVRAM_EF_BAND_LID
bit 0 and 1 for 900 Band priority
bit 2 and 3 for 1800 Band priority
bit 4 and 5 for 1900 Band priority
bit 6 and 7 for 850 Band priority


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